All of our Packaging and Materials are sourced in the United States, Bringing revenue to our fellow small business owners, and helping to reduce our carbon footprint.
Silver and Gold
We source our Metals, Tools, and other material from
Rio Grande in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
They strive to create a sustainable business, maintaining a path of least damage.
We purchase our Argentium/Recycled Silver mix there. When recycling Silver, it is taught to add New Silver to the mix to insure a quality product.
We have a few pieces that we recycle in our studio, these are in fact 100% recycled. Check out the process here!
Old T-Shirt Business Cards
100% Recycled Cotton T-Shirts
Printed in Rhode Island USA
Remember, all of our packages ship in Colorado made Recycled Packaging from Eco Enclose!
Leather & American Made Para-cord
Ethically Sourced Leather is important to us,
We've sourced our Deerskin Leather from the Gunnison Valley, CO, USA, from Wild deer hunted in season.
Hides purchased and cut in studio
For a Vegan Alternative we started using American Made Paracord and utility rope!
Family Owned Chain Company
Searching the wide web, we finally found a Jewelry Chain Manufacture in the United States.
Garlan Chain has been around since 1967
They are located in Massachusetts, and they are awesome!
We use there Sterling Silver and Gold Fill Chains.
We source our Ball Chain from another American Manufacturer.